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If you click play on the video from last post you will not be happy. Your eyes will be given a black screen to watch and nice sentence to read: "This video is currently not available. Please try again later". Ain't cool, huh? WTF? I've clicked the video two days ago and watched it successfully. Apparently the one who uploaded this clip to Google Video erased it later. How come? Well...

It was this person's free choice. This is so Web2.0. You add content. You build smart mob, collective intelligence etc., finally, you have ability to erase content whenever you want. Content is yours. Google Video provides a platform. Nothing else.

Hmmm... So what about permalinks? How to accept these two excluding pillars of Web2.0?
Can anybody tell me? Anyone?

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Who is really behind all this Web2.0 thing (watch the video)

Any comments?

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Wireless entertainment considered cool

I've just put PSPRadio on my PSP and I can listen to my favorite Frisky Radio virtually everywhere in my house, even in my backyard which is very practical considering incoming summer :) This is what I call technology. Great. I just need some PDF reader for my shiny PSP. Great work Raf! PSP Radio is great piece of software! Keep it up!

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Just before the move aka migration

This saturday I'm finally going to finish my little blog engine in Rails. This was a busy week and I've had no time to write antyhing although so much happened. I hope I'll be able to write more as soon as we move to new domain and new engine. I know I could use some already well known blog engine, but hell, how would I learn anything?

So be patient and enjoy the weekend!

Short note only tonight.

Our goals are more clear than ever. We are starting to see the essence. 

Good Luck and Good Night
(This "blog item" was written using MacOSX Widget :)

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U. S. Patents BS (Balthaser case)

I just took a glance at the recently acquired Balhaser's patent (which is valid in USA anyway) and it made me laugh. It was filled in 2001 and they've just described normal process of developing and using desktop application with one exception: they've added this expression: "via Internet". I won't comment on this more because I have to fill my own patent form. I want to patent "Methods, systems and processes for the design and creation of emotion-rich applications via Internet". And I don't care about prior act. Any comments? A little flame war?

Update: I've just signed up for free version of Balthaser's "design system". It's just a website editor in Flash. It looks nice but it's closed and I doubt it will get wide acceptance. So I was quite right that they've just brought application development to your browser. They've embedded IDE in Macromedia Flash presentation. And indeed, prior art for their lame patent exists.